Sunday, June 17, 2007


Reportedly, producer J.R. Rotem snitched to Blender magazine, "I f**ked Britney wheelbarrow style."

Oh wait -- he was just kidding, he says. No, in fact, says JR, "It was tractor style." Tractor style? Well, all the wheelbarrowing and tractoring weren't without consequences. Rotem says that after he and Brit's affair became public, he was axed from Kevin Federline's MySpace friends list. In the end, says J.R., he Brit "decided for both our careers that it would not be cool to have a romantic relationship.

Wow...I've tried to give Brit the benefit of the doubt up until now. I was a fan back in the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" days. I don't know....I might have to get off the Brit bandwagon.

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